A Welcome Message From The Headteacher

Hello everyone,

My name is Andrea Hymers and I am the headteacher at St.Mary's Catholic Primary School. I am extremely proud to be headteacher at this warm and caring school, where every child is encouraged 'to be the best they can be' and where every child's uniqueness is celebrated.

Our Mission Statement, (St Mary's School is a safe and happy place, where we follow Jesus by living, loving, learning and working together) along with our Core Values (integrity, respect, nurturing, passion and creativity) truly underpin all that we say and do.

We are a learning community that is guided by our faith and Gospel Values. Our warm and caring ethos is commented on by all who visit us. We aim to fully develop every child in our care, so that they not only achieve academically, but they also experience success in other areas of school life e.g. sporting, socially, musically and artistically. Our aim is for every child to leave St.Mary's as independent young adults who have a love of learning and a love of life itself.

We are proud of all of our children and they in turn are proud to be part of our St.Mary's family.

Our website gives you just a small glimpse of what life is like at St.Mary's. Please come along and see for yourselves our wonderful children and staff at work. 

Kind regards

Andrea Hymers