Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Cotterill



Welcome to

Year 3's Class Page


In Year 3, our class teachers are Mrs Cotterill (Tuesday- Friday) and Mrs Taylor (Mondays).

Mrs McCartney is our Teaching Assistants in Year 3.

We are learning lots of new things and having lots of fun.

At the bottom of the page, you will find blogs and galleries of images. Please keep checking these to see what we have been up to in Year 3.

Things to remember ...

Diaries will be sent home daily and need to be signed and returned to school once a week. Any appointments or messages can be passed on through these diaries and they are checked each morning.

Children should have a bottle of water to keep in the classroom. These bottles should be clearly labelled with your child's name on and should not contain juice.



Spellings are tested and new ones sent home.




Every Wednesday, children take part in Music and PE lessons, which they really enjoy. Children can come in their PE kits.


Homereaders are sent home

Emile homework is set to be completed for the following Friday 

Children take part in Junior Games during the afternoon. Children are allowed to come to school in their school tracksuits.

The school newsletter can be viewed on our website.



Reward Systems

In Year 3, we have a number of reward systems to praise and encourage exemplary behaviour.


Star Of The Week

Each week, a child is chosen to be Year 3's 'Star Of The Week'. This person receives a prize. 


Some useful websites:

KS2 BBC BITESIZE          Education City (Login Required)           Purple Mash (Login Required)


Files to Download

Year 3: Blog items

Y3 end of term blog, by Mrs Cotterill

Merry Christmas Y3, by Mrs Cotterill

Y3 homework, by Mrs Cotterill

Year 3: Galleries items

There are no Galleries items to display