Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mrs Evans

Welcome to Year 5's class page! 


Our class teacher is

Mrs Evans 


MrCrompton, Mrs Hankin and Mrs Beauvironnois are our teaching assistants.


Donna-Shello and Raphael are our class pet musk turtles.








Things to remember .......


-Lunch and snack  (Pupils that do not have toast in school may bring in a healthy snack).

-A water bottle (we ask that the bottles that spray water are not brought into school) filled with water or flavoured water only (no juice please).

-A coat (when needed)

-A school bag

-Pencil cases can be brought in but are not necessary as all resources needed are provided by school.

Pupil diaries should be brought in every day and handed in (signed by an adult) on a Friday

Any important messages or information can be communicated through pupil diaries. Pupils will be expected to be responsible for informing the class teacher if they have a message to read.

Please make sure you write your child's name clearly in any of their belongings (especially clothing) as this makes it much easier to find items should they go missing. 


We are now operating an electronic payment system, therefore all payments can be made online if it is more convenient.









Our weekly routines:




  • Mondays:   all dinner and toast money should be paid electronically where possible so that pupils do not need to hand over money in school


  • Wednesdays   Homework and spellings day- children should make sure any homework on Emile is completed and returned, spellings are learned for their test and spelling books are in school, home readers are signed (if finished or not) and returned and  school tracksuits  should be worn for P.E.


  • Fridays-  Junior Games (tracksuits for KS2)










Star of the week, Good Work, Bucket Fillers and Tea@2 will be announced during assembly on a Monday afternoon.

Our school Newsletter can be found on the website and any other news on Twitter @StMarysrcpb or Birchley Bear page on Facebook.  


Also, please keep an eye out for our class blogs and gallery items for updates on what Y5 have been getting up to.






Annually: School Levy

Some useful websites:

KS2 BBC BITESIZE          Education City (Login Required)           Purple Mash (Login Required)





Files to Download

Year 5: Blog items