Year 4 2024 - 2025

Miss Gradwell

Year 4 Classteacher

Welcome To Year 4!


In Year 4, our class teacher is Miss Gradwell. Mrs McCartney is our Teaching Assisstant.


Things to remember in Year 4:


Dinner money and toast money should be paid using the online payment system.


Homework will be set weekly on a Friday and will be due the following Friday. Homework will be set using Emile which is an online learning platform. Each week the children will receive a times tables task, a SPaG or maths task and spellings. Spelling tests will take place on Fridays. Each half term, the children will be given overview sheets of the spellings which contain codes to allow them to practise their spellings using a variety of games within the app. These lists can also be found in the files section of this page. Completion of these tasks will be monitored regularly. Please see the files section at the bottom of this page for a Student User Guide to Emile.



97,163 Book Clipart Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

Home Readers will be given out every other Wednesday. Yellow Reading Record Books should be returned to school along with the reading book. If your child has not completed their book, please return it to school with a note in their Reading Record so that it can be reissued. 

Wednesday is our PE day. Children can come into school wearing their school tracksuits on this day. This means that P.E. kits do not need to be kept in school.



Junior games take place on Friday afternoon. The children are allowed to come to school in their school tracksuits. 

General Reminders: 

The school Levy of £10 per family can be paid via the school office.

Home-school diaries should be signed weekly and brought in daily. In Year 4, we ask that the children take responsibility for letting the class teacher know if they have a message in their diary. 

Children are permitted to bring a water bottle into school each day. These should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and should only contain water. Children can bring pencil cases into school however they are not mandatory, all necessary equipment will be provided in class.

Please can we ask that cardigans, jumpers, hoodies and tracksuits are clearly labelled with your child's name.


Files to Download

Year 4: Galleries items

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