Monday 4th May

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:20am

Good morning Year 4!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Did you manage to spend some time outside? I can’t believe that we are now into week 5 of home learning. I am really impressed with how hard you are all working while at home, lots of you completed the Times Tables Rock Stars challenges last week, which is fantastic, and there are more set this week for you to have a go at. Keep reading each day too, if you are reading using stories from Serial Mash remember to have a go at the questions after each chapter.

Here are the answers to Friday’s comprehension:

  1. Through whose eyes is this story told?

A Roman soldier’s / a legionary’s

  1. Find and copy two words or phrases which tell you that the journey was unpleasant.

Any two of the following: horrendous/tunic was soaked/wet floor of the boat/waves violently lapped/especially in this weather.

  1. What do you think caligae are? Explain your answer.

Your answer should talk about caligae being some sort of shoe or boot as in the text it says that ‘the iron studs of my caligae kept slipping around on the wet floor of the boat.’ The most likely place to have studs is on shoes and it is shoes that would be in contact with the floor of the boat.

  1. What do you think happened in the months after this event?

There are many different answers to this question. For example. I think that they would attempt to invade again when the weather was better so that there was less danger to the crew.

Has anyone managed to make a water cycle in a bag yet? If you do, please send in pictures to so that I can see them. You can still create a water cycle poster or report on Purple Mash or at home. Florence has sent me a picture of her water cycle poster, here it is:

This week, the BBC Bitesize Maths lessons are all about multiplication and division. Today and tomorrow will be all about column multiplication, so I have attached a PowerPoint and activity linked to this to today’s blog. The English lesson today is focussing on using paragraphs in your writing. This will help you with your story writing. Each day this week I will try to post activities that link to the Bitesize lessons. Finally, there is a History lesson all about the Stone Age. You could watch this and see how much you can remember from when we learnt about the Stone Age in the autumn term.

On Friday, I asked you to choose an image from your work packs or from the website and to begin to plan a short story around your chosen picture. Remember, if you have used an image from Pobble 365 there are story starters and writing prompts beneath the image which may help you to write your story. Each day this week, spend a little bit of time writing your story. You could do this on Purple Mash, I have set a blank chapter book as a 2Do, or you could handwrite your story into your exercise book.

When writing your story think carefully about the following things, just like you would if we were writing in class:

  • Capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks
  • Paragraphs
  • Expanded noun phrases – I have attached an small activity to help remind you how we can use expanded noun phrases in our writing and an expanded noun phrase mat that will help you to build some of your own.
  • Fronted adverbials of time, place and manner
    • In the morning, I raced down stairs and into the kitchen.
    • At the park, I played on the swings.
    • Excitedly, Jack climbed to the top of the diving board.
  • Conjunctions – FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so) – Remember to use a comma before but, or, yet and so

Don’t feel like you have to write the whole story in one day. Take your time and just do a little bit each day. Also, take some time to read over what you have written to make sure you haven’t missed anything out and to see if you can spot any spelling or punctuation mistakes. I hope you enjoy doing some writing this week. Why don’t you put some music on like we do when we write in class?

I can’t wait to read your stories!

I’ll post again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

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