Friday 19th June

Date: 18th Jun 2020 @ 4:01pm

Happy Friday, everyone!

It's the end of another week of home learning. I hope you have enjoyed learning all about refugees. If anything, this week will have taught us to be more accepting, kind and respectful to others, if nothing else. 

In school yesterday, we produced a piece of work called 'Building a kinder world'. You can see some pictures of our activity below. We decided to draw or write about all of the negative terms we could think about when it came to refugees (words like violence, war, persecution, etc). On the inside of the world, we wrote about things we could do to build a kinder world such as pass more human rights laws, share with people, etc. I have attached the template for you to have a go! Let me know how you do.

Today's BBC Bitesize activities:

Computing: how do you know if you can trust a website? (You should all be experts at this!wink)


Please try to get some reading done today. Also, for those of you attending St. Peter's, you've got plenty of maths and science to be getting on with, too. 


Have a great weekend and I will speak to you all on Monday!


Mrs Naylor heart


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