Our Galleries
The Life Cycle of a Tomato Plant, by Mrs Duffy
Key Stage One Supersing at The Town Hall, by Mrs Duffy
Magic Carpets, by Mrs Duffy
Climbing Wall, by Mrs Cotterill
Playing Maths Games, by Mrs Duffy
Come and See - Meals , by Mrs Duffy
Sorting Animals Based Upon Their Characteristics, by Mrs Duffy
What Can I Smell?, by Mrs Duffy
Plant Parts, by Mrs Duffy
See what we've been up to with your donations :), by Miss Davies
Tadpoles, by Miss Davies
Florence Nightingale, by Mrs Duffy
Cookery Club, by Mrs Talbot-Davies
Year 3 and 4 Cross Country at St Augustines, by Mrs Cotterill
Frogspawn!, by Miss Davies
World Book Day!, by Miss Davies
Local Walk , by Miss Davies
PCSO Visit, by Miss Davies
Drawing Landscapes inspired by Piet Mondrian, by Mrs Cotterill
Baby Matthew's Baptism, by Miss Davies
Snow Day, by Miss Davies
test , by Mr Ellis