See what we've been up to with your donations :)

Class: Reception Class Year: 2016 - 17

We are really enjoying the new cook books in our house. We are busy writing shopping lists for ingredients and reading the instructions. Maybe you could try baking some cakes at home? 

We have new measuring tapes in our construction area and we are measuring EVERYTHING we can get our hands on. We even made Miss Davies lie down to measure her! We compared the numbers to see who was the tallest and shortest. We were able to read numbers such as 85, 37 and even 92!

In our shop, we are making appointments and writing down our phone messages in our new diaries. They are keeping us very organised!

Of course our absolute favourite is the junk modelling! We love to cut, stick, join, paint, shape and add different materials. So all of your recycling is definitely being put to good use :)

Thank you again for your donations! More photos to come...