Year Four Weekly Blog

Date: 9th Jul 2017 @ 8:45pm

We have had another great in Year 4 with plenty going on!

Monday started with Sports Day which was an excellent morning. Everyone tried really hard in all the events and showed superb sportsmanship. Well done to all our winners in the running races and the fair play awards.

In Literacy we became poets and wrote our own Tanka poems. We worked in pairs to a write our first Tanka and then wrote our own. We had to make sure we followed the syllable rules for each line.

In numeracy we have been solving problems based on data presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs. We have been solving comparison, sum and difference problems.

In science we travelled around the world to different habitats (British Woodland, British Coast, Antarctic and the African Savannah). When we arrived at these different habitats we researched the different animals living there and created food chains looking at producers, consumers, prey and predators.

During our RE lessons we have started our final Come and See topic God’s People. We researched different Saints and how they used religion in their lives.

On Friday we had our Summer Fayre. It was great fun and everyone really enjoyed themselves. We particularly enjoyed putting Mr Twist in the stocks and throwing water at him!