Year Four Weekly Blog

Date: 2nd Jul 2017 @ 2:08pm

It has been another great week in Year 4, after recovering from the jet lag of our flight home from Australia, with so much going on!

In our numeracy lessons we have been looking at solving problems involving converting from hours to minutes, minutes to seconds, years to months and weeks to days. We have really shown how well we can convert between these measurements.

In our RE lessons we have been looking at our topic Building Bridges. We discussed how bridges can be broken in friendships and the importance of saying sorry and asking for forgiveness. We also looked at the Sacrament of Reconciliation and discussed its importance.

On Thursday, we had our Going Forth mass in Church. It was a lovely morning and we really enjoyed wearing our Communion clothes again celebrating with the rest of the school and the parish community. Our picnic in the hall was great fun as well and it was nice to eat our dinner with our friends and families. Mr Twist even came in and ate his dinner with us!