Year Four Weekly Blog

Date: 25th Jun 2017 @ 1:35pm

Wow! What an exciting week we have had in Year 4. It has been Arts Week and our country was Australia. We boarded the plane on Monday morning and flew straight to Australia and have been there all week. Image result for australian flag

We were very lucky because we had a dance workshop and learnt the HAKA war dance! Mr Twist was very intimidated watching our war dances and seeing our scary faces and chants. We also created our own national flag of Australia and the Aboriginal flag.

We have also researched the Aboriginal Artist Sally Morgan and her art work. We then created our own Aboriginal symbol stories and animal symbol stories using pointillism.

We also showed off our craft skills by making our own rain sticks and boomerangs. We caught Mr Twist throwing them around at lunch time, but he was rubbish!

On our last day in Australia we had a workshop on learning how to play the Digeridoo and we were naturals at it! We learnt different techniques and sounds used to play the instrument. A special well done to Thomas and William C who played the Digeridoo in assembly.

Australia has been so much fun and we have learnt so much throughout the week!