Year Four Weekly Blog

Date: 11th Jun 2017 @ 11:09am

We are back! After a lovely week off we are back to school and straight back to work.


In literacy, we have finished reading Grandpa Chatterji and have written letters to Grandpa Chatterji telling him about how we found a poppy field. Mr Twist was really impressed with our letters and how well we described the poppy field.


In numeracy, we have been looking at estimating, comparing and calculating different measurements. We have really shown off how much we know about different types of measurements and looked at different types of problems involving measurements.


In history, we looked at the story of Boudicca and her revolt against the Romans. We became historian detectives and looked at a range of sources all about Boudicca and how she tried to remove the Romans from Britain.


In science, we have planned an experiment to see what damages our teeth. We have planned our experiment and decided which variables we will change and what we must keep the same to make it a fair test. We are really looking forward to making observations and seeing if our predictions are correct!


Just a quick reminder that our Holy Communion is next week (Saturday 17th June 2017).