Year Four Weekly Blog

Date: 17th May 2017 @ 4:35pm

We have had another busy week in Year Four, with so much going on!


In Literacy, we have continued to read Grandpa Chatterji and make comparisons between the two grandpas in the story. Also, we have written some amazing character descriptions for both grandpas.


In Numeracy, we have continued to look at multiplication and division problems and used our problem-solving skills to work systematically.


During Design and Technology, we have continued to plan our pop-up story books. We have created a superhero story for our pop-up books and started to plan what type of levers we will use in our books.


During our computing lesson, we have continued to create a PowerPoint all about Jamila Gavin using media, hyperlinks and design techniques to make our PowerPoints effective.


Billie said, “I really enjoyed planning my pop-up book.”

Joshua T said, “I enjoyed solving problems in numeracy.”