Year Four Weekly Blog

Date: 7th May 2017 @ 8:50pm

We have had another great week in Year 4 and have been really busy!laugh

In Numeracy we have been looking at multiplication and division and using our strategies to solve problems. We have really impressed Mr Twist with our problem solving skills throughout the week!

In Literacy we have started to read our book for this half term ‘Grandpa Chatterji’ and we are beginning to write character descriptions. We are really looking forward to reading the rest of this story and finding out all about Grandpa Chatterji and his culture.

During our Science lessons we have been learning about Animals and Humans and in particular our digestive system. We have been looking at the different organs involved and what they do.

In RE we have been learning all about Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit brought new life to people to go and spread the good news of God.