Year Four Weekly Blog

Date: 2nd May 2017 @ 4:47pm

We have had a fantastic week in Year 4. There was so much going on!

Firstly, we had a very special visitor who came to visit on Tuesday; Bishop Tom Williams came and we all went over to church for a very special Mass. We behaved superbly and sang our hearts out! William Clark also had a solo and sang beautifully.

Our musical talents didn’t stop there either, on Thursday afternoon we had a Musical Afternoon and performed a brass piece to open the event. We performed, ‘Mama Mia’ showing off our singing and brass talents. We have learnt so much in our lessons this year and showed everyone there how good we are. Mr Twist was really impressed and was even singing along!laugh

In Literacy we have started a new book called, ‘Grandpa Chatterji’. This week we have looked in detail at the author, Jamila Gavin, and even wrote biographies all about her. We cannot wait to start reading the book and find out what happens.

Also, in Numeracy we have been looking at solving addition and subtraction problems and really impressed Mr Twist with our problem solving skills.

We have also started a new topic in History this week looking at the Romans. We have started looking at who the Romans are and their invasion of Britain.