Year 5 and 6 Remembrance Walk 11.11.21

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 12:03pm


Year 5 and 6 Remembrance Walk


On Thursday 11th November, Year 5 and Year 6 walked up to the Remembrance garden for the annual Remembrance service. 

We heard from members of the council, our local MP Connor McGinn, as well as listening to 'The Last Post', which was played on the trumpet by one of the council members. 

The service, as always, was poignant and touching. The behaviour of the children was exemplary and was commented on by Mr McGinn himself. 

After listening to the speakers and the song, we were given the opportunity to place flags in the garden. Our flags were from countries all over the world and had prayers and messages of peace on the back. We also put a cross in the garden on behalf of everyone at St. Mary's.

Afterwards, we were invited to Chapel End Labour Club, where we had drinks and a snack. 


Special thanks to Mr Simmons for sending in his military medals for us to see. 
