Year 4

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:57pm


Come and SeeImage result for religion

This week in Come and See we have started our new topic 'Self-discipline'.  

Thank you for all those parents who attended 'Stay and Pray'.  It was lovely to see you all and I hope you enjoyed it.

I have loved reading all the children's homework about their favourite sports star or singer.



This week we have learned all about Italy and we have compared Italy to England.

Image result for literacy

In literacy,  we have been writing a newspaper report all about Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius.

 Image result for numeracy

This week in numeracy we have presenting and interpreting information in different charts and graphs. 

In Year 4 we have a star of the day.  This is awarded to children that have been consistently well behaved


This weeks superstars are:Image result for super star

  • Kate 
  • Ava S
  • Chloe
  • Ben B 

Well done and keep up the great work Y4!!!!