Year 4

Date: 6th Dec 2017 @ 2:50pm

We have had another busy week in Year 4yes

Come and SeeImage result for religion

This week in Come and See we have started our 'gift' topic.   Year 4 have created and designed a gift box to show to the gift of friendship and love.  Next, we have made personal advent calendars that include good deeds, hymns and prayers that we must complete during this special time of Advent.

This week we have started to send home the 'Travelling Nativity' .   Each day we look forward to reading the special messages and prayers.  


TopicImage result for teeth

This week we have been designing our pop up books by looking at different mechnanisms. 

Last week  we planned a tooth decay enquiry.  We wanted to find out what happens to teeth when we have too much sugar.  We placed teeth (eggs) in milk, water, coke and orange juice and observed what happened over a period of time.

All the children were very interested to see the results!!!

Image result for literacy

In literacy,   we have been finding different ways to improve our sentence openers.  We have been writng, editing and redrafting  a description of a winter setting .   Then, we have read aloud and talked about the grammatical terms we have used in our writing. 

 Image result for numeracy


Last week in numeracy we converted different units of measurement.  This week we have been reading and writing coordinates.

Take a look at the gallery to see what we've been up to.


In Year 4 we have a star of the day.  This is awarded to children have that been consistently well behaved.

This weeks superstars are:Image result for super star

  • Isobel 
  • James 
  • Aaron
  • Catlin 
  • Ben O'Brien  

Well done and keep up the great work Y4!!!!