Year 4 End of Year Blog

Date: 24th Jul 2021 @ 11:18am

We have made it to the end of the school year! The children should be so proud of everything they have achieved through what has been another challenging year. 

We have had a lovely last week in school to celebrate the end of Year 4. On Tuesday, we took part in a Roman workshop. The children learnt about the buildings in a Roman city and then worked together to build a a model Roman town. On Wednesday everyone took part in our day of sporting fun. The children had lots of fun taking part in all of the different activities, from dodgeball to glow in the dark football to a water fight! On Thursday, we had a fun film afternoon watching The Water Horse with popcorn and ice lollies. Finally, on Friday we had a taskmaster themed day. The children worked in teams to complete a series of challenges to earn points for their team.

It has been a pleasure getting to know all of the children this year and I am certain that they are ready for the challenges of Year 5!

Finally, we would like to say a huge thank you for your lovely cards, messages and presents. You are too kind!

Have a lovely summer, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all in September.

Miss Gradwell and Mrs McCartney