Year 4 Become Poets!

Date: 6th Oct 2019 @ 2:42pm

It has been another busy week in Year 4.

Thursday was National Poetry Day and all the children in Year 4 learnt a poem called 'Sick' by Shel Silverstein to perform in assembly to celebrate. They performed incredibly well and should be very proud of themselves!

Come and See

This week we began our second Come and See topic, 'Called'. The children have explored what it means to be chosen for something and reflected on times in their own lives when they have been chosen for something. They considered how they had felt when being chosen and the different emotions people may feel upon being chosen.


The whole school have been celebrating poetry week throughout their English lessons this week. In Year 4, we have looked at poems containing rhyming couplets. We then used our current book, 'Stig of the Dump', as inspiration to write rhyming couplet poems of our own. We clearly have a class full of poets in Year 4 as the poems created were fantastic! Our poems have been used to update our Stig of the Dump display.


Year 4 have completed their addition and subtraction topic for this term and have continued to look at reasoning and problem-solving questions. They spent a lesson looking carefully at word problems to find the key information and decide if the question required them to add or subtract. They have also been practising their 8 times tables, which they are getting very good at!