Welcome to Year 4!

Date: 7th Sep 2017 @ 2:39pm

Welcome to Year 4!

We have had a lovely first week back and have enjoyed sharing our news from over the holidays. The children have all made a super start to the year- Mrs Ryan and Miss Barnes have been really impressed with everybody.

This week, we have started some of our new topics. In Literacy, we have started to read Clive King’s ‘Stig of The Dump’. This is the exciting story of Barney (a young boy) and Stig (a cave man) who form an unlikely friendship and enjoy several adventures together. We have been thinking about the differences between Barney and Stig’s lives and next week will be writing some character descriptions.

In RE, we have been thinking about our school’s mission statement and how we can walk in Jesus' footsteps We each wrote on a footprint one way that we can show how we do this.

In Science, we started our topic, ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. We thought about the similarities between living things then had a go at sorting pictures of different living things into groups.

In Computing, we talked about how to use the Internet safely and how to tell if a website is secure and reliable. We then used the Internet to carry out some research about the Stone Age and used this information to start creating posters for our classroom.

It is fair to say that everyone has made a fantastic start and deserves a well-earned rest over the weekend! (Homework will start from next week).

Have a lovely weekend J