Welcome to 2023, Year 6

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 8:35am

Message from Mrs Naylor and Mrs Hankin - 

We would like to say a big thank you for your kind and generous gifts at Christmas. As things were a little hectic at the end of last term, we didn't have chance to say thank you. Your kindness really was appreciated; we are touched by your generosity and hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. 



Welcome Back, Year 6!


Our first few days back in school have been eventful. We are already back into the swing of lessons and have lots of exciting things coming up to look forward to. 


Firstly, we have started a new topic- 'Disasters'. This topic always proves to be a popular one with children (and staff) in Year 6, as it is the time of year when we learn all about the sinking of the Titanic, as well as earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. To begin our topic, we are going to be watching the film 'A Night To Remember' on Friday afternoon. This movie is PG rated, so children will need written consent in their diaries to be able to watch it. 


First Aid

On Tuesday, we were trained in First Aid by a lady called Carmel, who works for the British Red Cross. This session was very informative and enjoyable. Children were split into groups and given different 'everyday injuries' they might come across: bleeding from a wound that was too big for a plaster, burns, head injuries and coming across someone who is unconscious but still breathing.

In groups, children had to present their injury to the rest of the class, teaching them how to deal with these situations if they were the first responders. 

At the end of the session, after watching some short video clips and presenting their group's injury, children were taught how to put someone in the recovery position. They then took turns with a partner being the injured person and the first aider. 

Overall, children really enjoyed this training session. A big thank you to Carmel from the British Red Cross.