Welcome Back!

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 3:46pm

Welcome back to school!


This first week has FLOWN by. The children have spent this week settling into their new class and completing some work surrounding rules and our British Values. To fit in with this, we learned all about Democracy in greater detail and we even had a go at voting!

The beginning of the year always brings excitement and some very important jobs. Year 6 is known for being 'the year of big responsibilities' and this year was no different. Children have all been given jobs to do around the classroom and the wider school environment. 

Of all the jobs we allocated, there were a select few that had a special requirement. In order to be elected on the school council, the children had to write (and deliver) their own speech. In these speeches, the children set out what they wanted to achieve and why they should be elected. Once all the speeches had been delivered, it was time to vote!

The votes are in and here are our Year 6 school councillors this year:


Chairperson - Adelaide

Vice chair - Evan

Secretary - Olivia M

Treasurer - Joseph

Class representatives - Emilia and Jake 


Well done to every single one of you for being brave enough to give it a go. I am very proud of you. 


Overall, the children have settled into life in Year 6 very well. Keep up the good work, guys!