Welcome back!

Date: 2nd Nov 2017 @ 4:25pm

smileyWelcome back year 4!smiley

It's lovely to see how much the children have grown and developed.  I am looking forward to the busy year ahead.

Come and SeeImage result for religion

This week we have been getting ready to start our new topic 'Called'.

TopicImage result for digestive system

This week we have started our new topic of 'burps, bottoms and bile'.  We have been learning all about the process of digestion and the different organs that are involved in the digestive system. 


Image result for literacy

In our litercay lessons, we have been looking at explanation text.  First, we looked at some examples as a class and identified their feautures.  Next, we compared explanations and verbally gave our own.  Finally we labelled a diagram using technical vocabulary. 


 Image result for numeracy


In numeracy, we have been looking at fractions.  First, we recognised and found equivalent fractions.  Then, we found and counted in hundredths.

In Year 4 we have a star of the day.  This is awarded to children have that been consistently well behaved.

This weeks superstars are;Image result for super star

  • Kate
  • Hope
  • Leah