Welcome back, Year 6!

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 2:48pm

Welcome back, everyone! The six week holidays seem like a distant memory now, I'm sure.

I hope you've all had a restful, happy summer break. 

This year will probably fly by quicker than any other year- we have lots to do and learn before you leave us in July 2024. Believe me, it will be here before we know it. 

Our first week back is centred around our well-being (in particular, our mental health). We  have already made a good start on our Happy, Healthy Me curriculum (PSHE). We now know more about mental health, consent and sexual harassment. 

In other news, we have chosen jobs: these responsibilities will be ours for the whole school year.

One of the most popular jobs with the children is our buddy system with the new reception class. The children have loved bonding with their buddy when helping them at lunch time. We even had a sneaky trip to reception on Friday afternoon to get to know our buddy and play with them for a short while!

This blog will be updated regularly with our learning. Please keep an eye out!