Welcome Back, Year 6!

Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 12:09pm

Welcome back to school, everyone!

I hope you all had a restful break and managed to take some time out to relax after working so hard last half-term. 

The fun begins again this week as we are back into our daily routine. We are continuing with our topic 'Identity' until Christmas, but we have started to read not one, but TWO new class texts. The first text we are reading is called 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjmain. It is a true story based upon her life, which fits in with our learning as we are starting to write our own autobiographies this half term!

The second text we are reading is called 'No Ballet Shoes in Syria' by Catherine Bruton. This text is a wonderful follow on from our last book 'The Boy at the Back of the Class', as they are both about refugee children from Syria. It has helped us to be grateful for what we have and it has given us a greater understanding and compassion for other people and what they have to endure. 

We are continuing to learn about Pablo Picasso in art lessons. We have started to look into the Cubism movement and what this was about. We are building up to creating our own cubism portraits in the style of Picasso. Check back in a week or two to see some examples of our masterpieces!

Another exciting bit of news from Y6HQ is that we have officially begun the countdown to Christmas! We have been given the script for our play and are already buzzing with excitement about auditions, which are going to take place on Monday next week. 


Keep your eyes peeled for more info from us soon!


Mrs Naylor and Year 6