Welcome Back Year 4!

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 5:03pm

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We have had a fantastic first week in Year 4! The children have settled into their new classroom and routines quickly and are clearly ready for the challenges of the new school year.

This week, we have focussed on our 'Happy, Healthy Me' topic. We read 'Perfectly Norman' at the start of week and thought about the things that make us unique. We have ended the week with a poem, 'The Hope-o-potamus', and have spent time thinking about our hopes for the future.


To introduce our topic for this half term - The Stone Age to the Iron Age - the children became archaeologists and dissected Stone Age 'Poo' to discover what people living in the Stone Age might have eaten. Then, they explored cave paintings and created some of their own. Have a look at the pictures below to see the children in action as archaeologists and cave painters.

We have begun our class novel, The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley and the children have loved getting to know Charlie and can't wait to see what adventure awaits him!


Stars of the Week:

Matthew - Annabelle

Mark - Heidi

Luke - Freddi (Overall Winner)

John - Jessica

Good Work - Andrew for a super letter.

Bucket Filler - Jonathan for excellent manners.


Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday!