Wednesday 8th July

Date: 7th Jul 2020 @ 7:12pm

Good Morning Year 4!

How are you today? I hope you are all well and are managing to have fun as well as complete your work. Are you enjoying arts week? If it is nice in the afternoon you could always take your artwork outside.

BBC Bitesize’s English lesson is looking at using alliteration to create a brilliant newspaper headline. Can you remember what alliteration is? Alliteration is when words close together in a sentence start with the same sound.

For example: Sammy the slippery snake went sliding by.

I have attached a PowerPoint all about alliteration for you to look at. Can you then write some super sentences using alliteration?

The maths lesson today is looking at different types of triangles. Triangles are shapes with 3 sides and 3 angles. Here are some of the types of triangles you might see:

  • Equilateral triangle – sides are the same length, angles are equal sizes.
  • Isosceles triangle – 2 sides are the same length, 2 angles are equal.
  • Scalene triangle – All 3 sides are different lengths, all 3 angles are different sizes.
  • Right angle triangle – contains 1 right angle.

I have attached a poster and a PowerPoint which will show you what each type of triangle looks like in more detail. I have then attached some triangles activities for you to try.

Today’s arts week lesson is a drama lesson. It is looking at how performers can use a variety of vocal skills to:

  • communicate important information to the audience
  • show a character's emotions
  • transform themselves into the character they are playing

I have attached a play script for you to read. Can you practise using your vocal skills to transform into the different characters in the play?

Have fun putting on a performance and I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Miss Gradwell

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