Wednesday 29th April Blog Week 4

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:07pm

Hi, Year 5!

How are you all today?

Hope you are enjoying the week so far. I can certainly tell you are working hard because of how much some of you have been on Purple Mash and TT Rockstars. It is great to hear so many of you have been reading the blogs on our class page. I love sharing what you have been up to on there!

That’s why I decided to set up a class blog on Purple Mash- so that whenever you have ANYTHING you’d like to share with your classmates and me, you can!

It is great to see some of you have already made a start and have written some blogs-




Well done, guys! Not only was it lovely to read about what you have been getting up to, but the grammar, punctuation and spelling on each of them was spot on- that makes me super proud!



I have an activity for you to do today.

Here is a video I’d like you to watch called ‘Ride of Passage’:

It is set in the Rainforest, and what I would like you to do is:

  1. Watch it
  2. Summarise it in no more than 50 words on a new blog post on our Y5 Purple Mash blog- so tell me what happens in it!
  3. Once you have done that, you could tell me how you feel about the short story in a paragraph underneath.
  4. Finally, for those of you that enjoy writing, you could even write a short story about what happens next, or even write the story on the video itself.

Many of you still have Purple Mash 2dos left to complete, so I won’t set any more on there, however here are some maths challenges for you to have a go at:

Choose either 'Nice and Easy', 'Bit more to it' or 'Challenging'^^^^^^^^

Try this, too:

And finally, change the recipe for the right amount of pancakes:

Tomorrow, I will be setting you a topic activity about Brazil :)

Keep exercising- why don't you try and create your own workout challenge? You could Safe Search- 'Exercise Challenges for children', and then send your workout idea on a blog to see if it inspires other people in class to do it every day?

Bye for now, children.

Speak to you tomorrow,

Miss Davies :)