Wednesday 22nd April

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 8:59pm

Good morning Year 4!

I am really enjoying reading your blogs and comments on the Purple Mash blog. It is great that we can keep in touch with each other while we are at home. When you post or comment on the blog it will say that it is unapproved. I then get an alert and can approve your post for the class to see.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension as promised.

  1. Find and copy an adjective used to describe the hall.

   Largest, great

  1. What was the name of Halfdan’s daughter?


  1. Why do you think that everyone helped Hrothgar ‘eagerly’?

Your answer needs to mention something about Hrothgar being very well liked and respected amongst his loyal subjects.

  1. Sum up the second paragraph of this text in 15 words or less.

There are lots of different ways of summarising a paragraph, but you need to have covered the main point of the paragraph which is that Hrothgar and his followers built the biggest hall that anyone had ever seen.

I have attached another short comprehension to this blog and I will post the answers again tomorrow. I have also attached a maths worksheet for you to try in you exercise books. It has a mixture of column addition, subtraction and multiplication questions so be careful when you are answering them and double check which symbol is in each calculation, the answers will be posted tomorrow.

Did anybody look at the BBC Bitesize lessons yesterday? I thought the history lesson about how to be a historian was very interesting. If you haven’t been on the BBC website yet check yesterday’s blog for the link. The maths and English lessons are really useful. Today’s English lesson is all about the past tense and the maths lesson is about rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 which is a really important skill.

Don’t forget about the sessions I have set on Times Tables Rock Stars, some of you are almost there but there are a few of you who haven’t started yet! It is really important to keep practising your times tables! Well done to Florence, Iris, Bronagh, Reggie, Deacon and Ava who have completed the challenges already!

I've had a couple of lovely emails from Ava and Florence telling me about their Easter breaks. Ava has been busy baking and painting.

Florence has been really busy with all of her baking as well as celebrating her brother's birthday and keeping active by going on bike rides.

Keep working hard and remember to take time to do some exercise and get some fresh air! Joe Wicks is still doing PE lessons and Jump Start Johnny ( has some free videos that you can dance along to.

I’ll talk to you again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

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