Wednesday 20th May

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 8:30pm

Good morning Year 4!

We’re halfway through the week already! Three more days and you get a two week rest. (Unless you would like to continue your river project!)

BBC Bitesize’s maths lesson today is looking at something we have covered a couple of times in class – equivalent fractions. Do you remember what equivalent means? It means equal in value.

For example:  1/4 = 3/12   and   1/2 = 4/8

The numerator and denominator have both been multiplied by the same number. If you are looking for extra practise on equivalent fractions, look at page 4 in the booklet. I have also attached some extra equivalent fraction work to this blog for those of you who like a challenge. I would like to give a big shout out to the following people who spotted the fractions 2Do's on Purple Mash yesterday and have already completed them - Oliver, Declan, Jacob BP, Florence, Deacon, Lexie and Keira A. Well done! The fraction 2Do's will be live until after half term so there is plenty of time to have a look at them.

English today is looking at subordinating conjunctions. A subordinate clause is part of a sentence that adds additional information to the main clause. Some subordinating conjunctions are after, because, while and although. Have a look at the PowerPoint I have attached to this blog for some extra information and at page 9 in your booklet for extra questions.

To help with your river projects I have attached a PowerPoint all about rivers for you to read through along with a fact file and some question sheets. The questions may give you some ideas about what to include in your projects. Have you found any interesting facts about rivers from your own research yet? I have also found a couple more videos that are very informative. Both of these videos are on YouTube so please ask a parent before you watch them.

This video takes you on the journey of the River Severn. It looks at the different features along the route of the river.

This video is much shorter than the first and gives you a quick explanation of what a river is.

Keep practising your times tables – did you see how many people are rock legends on the newsletter last week? Can you make it onto this group? To get your scores on the leader board you need to be completing studio sessions. Well done to Deacon, Florence, Joshua C and Declan who have joined the group who have completed the Times Tables Rock Stars sessions for this week. How many more will complete these sessions by the end of the week? Will more people complete them than last week?

Stay safe and I will talk to you tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

Note to parents – The St Helens Music Service has a twitter page that they are updating regularly with hints and tips to help children play their instruments at home.

Earlier this month they posted a blog about cleaning instruments at home. The video on the tweet focusses on cleaning string instruments, but there is a link to a selection of videos about cleaning woodwind instruments.

As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, Miss Lewis, the children’s music teacher is posting lessons each week on the Music Service’s website for any of the children who would like to continue playing their flutes at home. Here are the details again for anyone who would like to access this service:

Under student login use the following username and password:

Username: p849569

Password: cheese

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