Wednesday 1st April

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 8:22am

Good morning year 4!

Day 3 of week 2 is here and I am really impressed with some of the work you have been doing on Purple Mash. The 2Do's are live until Friday so if you haven't completed them yet there is still plenty of time to do so.

Keep doing a couple of pages from your maths and english booklets each day and remember to read every day. I hope you are all enjoyng your second book and are completing your chapter summaries as you read. Have you all been listening to David Walliams elevenses? I have heard some of them and have really enjoyed them.

The scores on Times Tables Rock Stars are improving every day which is brilliant to see. Well done to Saskia who is yesterday's times tables superstar! Can anyone beat Mrs Hymers' time? Her rock star name is Count Rocky McRockface and she currently has a studio speed of 1.46 seconds per question! I think some of us can do even better than that!

Keep up the brilliant work year 4 and remember to have some fun as well. 

I'll talk to you again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell