Wednesday 10th June

Date: 9th Jun 2020 @ 2:47pm

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe? We are hard at work at school and I hope you're keeping up with some work, too. 

At school, yesterday we did some long multiplication and division. We found it hard to get our brains back into gear and some of us found the long division especially challenging as there were remainders. Have a go at some of these questions and let me know how you do:

1. 642 x 47

2. 396 x 82

3. 729 x 67

4. 897 / 39 (the / means divide)

5. 869 / 46

6. 943 / 44

Yesterday, I received a lovely email from Maizie, who told me she had had a lovely break over the holidays and had even been making bread. Well done, Maizie. I hope it was as tasty as the bread we made in class! Maizie has also been spending a lot of time on Times Tables Rockstars- well done, superstar. Keep up the hard work. 

As if that wasn't enough, she also took the time to work on some friendship-related tasks on Monday. Here is a photograph of the end result: I must say, I am very impressed!

Image preview

Now, today I would like you to try hard to read for at least 30 minutes: it can be an e-book, your favourite book, or even something new. Try to immerse yourself in a good book- you'd be surprised at how exciting and entertaining reading can be when you find the perfect book!

In school today, we are going to be doing some writing based on a picture prompt- the picture is called 'The Thing in the Sewer'. I have attached the picture to this blog- why not see if you can join us and produce a piece of writing you are proud of? I will share an example of someone's writing with you all tomorrow. 

Today's BBC Bitesize lessons look really interesting (as usual!)...

Literacy - using commas

Science - reversible and irreversible changes

It would be lovely to see you have a go at these lessons. It was great hearing from Beau again yesterday, who obviously learned a lot about the Alps on yesterday's geography lesson, as he produced a PowerPoint all about it. Well done, Beau! yes

That's all from me for now. I will speak to you all again tomorrow,


Mrs Naylor heart