Tuesday 5th May
Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:01am
Good morning Year 4!
Did you manage to get outside yesterday and enjoy the sunshine? It was another lovely day and hopefully the rest of the week will be just as nice. I hope you are all still keeping active, either by going outside or doing activities like Joe Wick’s PE indoors. The BBC have also got a range of videos called Super Movers which not only get you moving but help you learn at the same time. Each video links to one of the things we learn about in school and has a catchy song to go with it. You can even download the lyrics so you can sing along. Here is the link if you would like to have a look – https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-collection/zr4ky9q
I will try to keep today’s blog a bit shorter than yesterday! Keep reading every day and keep up all of your incredible times tables practice! Hopefully you have all made a start on your writing and have chosen a picture that has given you lots of great ideas. Today, read over what you have already written to spot any spelling or punctuation mistakes. You may even think of a better adjective to use or spot somewhere in your writing where you could add more detail. Once you have read through your writing continue your story.
Today’s BBC Bitesize English lesson is about fronted adverbials – you could use this to help you use some fronted adverbials in your writing. I have also added some information about fronted adverbials to help you with your writing to today’s blog.
The BBC Biteszie maths lesson today continues to look at column multiplication. Have a look at the lesson and if you would like some extra practise I have attached a small activity to this blog for you to have a look at. The answers to yesterday’s questions are:
- 516
- 132
- 648
- 414
- 312
- 664
- 376
- 738
- 297
- 288
- 268
- 237
The last BBC lesson today is a geography lesson and it is an introduction to time zones. Does anyone know what time zones are? Time zones give specific areas on the Earth a time of day that is earlier or later than the neighbouring time zones. This is because when it is day-time on one side of the Earth, it is night-time on the other side.
Finally, Emily sent me a picture of a water cycle in a bag. She said she was amazed when it finally started to work! Can you see the condensation forming in the bag?
Keep up the amazing work!
I’ll talk to you again tomorrow,
Miss Gradwell