Tuesday 31st March

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 8:18am

Good morning year 4!

Well done to Bronagh and Florence who have already completed both Times Tables Rockstars challenges that have been set! There are also lots of you who have made a good start on these challenges so keep up the fantastic work. I can see that your times are continuing to improve too which is brilliant! It looks like there are 6 of you who have still not logged on to Times Tables Rockstars - please try and log on as it is a fantastic way to practise your times tables and it is also makes learning and practising them fun.

Lots of you have also completed the 2Dos I set on Purple Mash. I am amazed at the hard work you are doing! I will be looking at your working and adding comments over the next few days. I have also added another couple of 2Dos linked to out last science topic electricity. One asks you  to match the circuit symbol to its name and the other is a small piece of writing about what different components (such as a battery, lamp, buzzer and switch) do within a circuit.

Keep reading every day and completing your chapter summaries. I can't wait to hear about all of the books you have read at home. Hopefully we will be able to put some of your book reviews on the display in our reading area.

Amazon have also made some children's books free to download. Ask a parent to go to https://stories.audible.com/start-listen to strat listening to some great stories!

Here are a few websites which might be useful to you as they contain some great information and fun games and activities:

If you have done anything you would like to share with me you can always email school and I will add your work to the blog or ask Mrs Hymers to put it on the newsletter.


Keep working hard and I'll talk to you again tomorrow.


Miss Gradwell