Tuesday 30th June

Date: 30th Jun 2020 @ 8:57am

Goooooood Morning, Year 6!

What a wet and miserable day it is! I hope you had a good day yesterday and that you learnt something interesting. I was so pleased to see my email inbox bursting with emails from some of you! Well done to the following people- I loved seeing all of your work (photographs are below):

* Harry - your natural art looks fantastic (I particularly like the person made from sticks and stones- very symbolic!)

* Ewan - well done for doing some research on the Maya Civilisation. Your drawing of a temple is brilliant!

* Beau - I am so jealous that you tried Mayan hot chocolate without me! Well done for writing the recipe out for it. I hope you enjoyed it. Beau has also been working hard completing some of the transition work for St. Peter's. Don't forget, the rest of you!


Today, we are going to be doing some writing based on a video from the Literacy Shed. Why not give it a go at home? Here is the link you can follow to watch the video:



Today's BBC Bitesize lessons:

Maths - represent and calculate ratio

Literacy - Giving a presentation

Geography - the Galapagos Islands