Tuesday 28th April

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:22am

Good morning Year 4!

I hope you had a good day yesterday.

Did you manage to watch the video about the water cycle? Do you now know what evaporation, condensation, precipitation and accumulation mean? If you do that’s fantastic, if not you can always go back to yesterday’s blog to look at the websites I suggested. Today, have a think about different types of precipitation.

In meteorology, precipitation is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapour that falls under gravity. This means that precipitation is the water droplets that fall from clouds when they (the water droplets) become too heavy. Some examples would be rain or hail, but how many others can you think of? Make a mind map in your exercise books of different types of precipitation. You could draw pictures too!

I have attached a small maths task to this blog. Can you complete the 2 step addition and subtraction problems in your exercise book? Read the questions carefully to work out the steps you need to take to solve the problems. I have also attached a short English activity. Read the text, but look carefully as the author has made quite a lot of mistakes. Can you correct the spelling mistakes and put in any capital letters that are missing? I will post the answers tomorrow so that you can see how you got on.

Today’s BBC Bitesize lessons are looking at more Maths and English topics that we have covered in class, but as I have said before it is always good to go back and practise things to help us remember them. Maths today is looking at subtracting 4-digit numbers and English is looking at using apostrophes of contraction (to join two words together). The final lesson today is a geography lesson looking at contours, keys and symbols which are all things you would find on a map.

Keep going on Times Tables Rock Stars, there are some new sessions set for you to complete and keep reading every day.

A big well done to Maya and Florence who have sent in pictures of work they have done about St. George. You have found out some really interesting facts girls!

Stay safe and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

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