Tuesday 16th June

Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 7:39pm

Good Morning Year 4!

How are you this morning?

Did you hear the thunder yesterday? What sounds did the thunder make? What about the rain splashing on the floor? Our English lesson from BBC Bitesize is all about sound words today. Can you remember the special name we have for words that sound like the noise they are describing? It is onomatopoeia. Some examples of onomatopoeia are crash, bang and buzz. How many more can you think of? I have attached a PowerPoint and an activity sheet to this blog that explains onomatopoeia in a little more detail.

Maths today is looking at comparing decimals using greater than, less than and equal to. I have attached a PowerPoint to this blog to give you some extra guidance. Once you have looked at the PowerPoint have a go at Tuesday’s activity in your maths booklet.

Tomorrow there will be a science lesson all about teeth and the digestive system. We spent the half term before Christmas learning all about this topic, so you should all be experts! I have attached some activities to this blog that I would like you to try before tomorrow’s lesson to see how much you can remember.

Keep reading every day - aim to read two chapters of Roman Rescue each week. I have set up a page on our Purple Mash blog for you to comment about Roman Rescue. Tell me if you are enjoying it, who your favourite character is and what you think might happen next.

The poem I have attached to today’s blog is The Jabberwocky by Lewis Carrol. It is a nonsense poem based on a creature from Alice through the Looking Glass (the sequel to Alice in Wonderland). Nonsense poetry refers to any sort of poetry that is nonsensical in nature – this means that is doesn’t make sense! Some of the words are made up and meaningless or the words exist but make little sense in the context they are used in. Nonsense poems are written to entertain and amuse people. Here is a short video that explains nonsense poetry. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3h2tfr

Well done to Joseph, Deacon, Iris, Bronagh and Ava who have already completed the Times Tables Rock Stars challenges set for this week! Also, Ava has emailed me a fantastic poster all about the RNLI. I have attached it to the blog for you to have a look at.

Keep up the hard work – you are all doing brilliantly. I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Miss Gradwell



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