Tuesday 14th July

Date: 13th Jul 2020 @ 6:03pm

Good Morning Year 4!

How are you this morning? I hope you all had a good day yesterday. Did anyone manage to carry out the science experiment? How did it go? If you have any pictures I would love to see them.

I hope you all saw Mrs Hymers' letter yesterday. It contained lots of important information about September including that Miss Davies will be your teacher next year. I know that she is looking forward to getting to know you all! Your school reports were also sent home yesterday, so you should have lots to celebrate as you have all worked so hard this year!

BBC Bitesize maths today is looking at completing a shape using symmetry. You will need to reflect shapes in vertical (straight up and down), horizontal (from left to right) and diagonal (corner to corner) lines of symmetry. I have attached a PowerPoint which explains how to do this in more detail and some activities for you to try. Remember that symmetrical means that it is the same on both sides.

English today is all about writing instructions. We have written instructions in class, do you remember when we wrote instructions for how to clean your teeth? Can you remember the features of instructions?

Instructions tell the reader how to do something, like how to cook a meal or how to build a chair. They have to be written clearly so the reader can easily understand each step. Instructions need to include:

  • A title saying what the instructions are about
  • An equipment list
  • Step-by-step actions written in chronological order (the order in which they should happen)
  • Imperative verbs (bossy verbs)
  • Use time conjunctions such as first, next, then, until
  • Use adverbs such as quickly, slowly, carefully to explain how the action should be done

Have a look at the PowerPoint I have attached to this blog then try to write a set of instructions. You could write a recipe or a how to guide, the choice is yours.

The final lesson today is a PE lesson. It is looking at the basics of movement. There are three key areas we need to work on to help with our movement. They are balance, agility and co-ordination. Can you find out what each of these words mean? Once you have found definitions for each word can you create an exercise routine which would help you to develop each of these skills? I have also attached a throwing and catching challenge to this blog for you to have a go at.

Keep reading and practising your times tables! Have a lovely day and I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Miss Gradwell

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