Tuesday 12th March

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 8:12am

Good morning Year 4!

How are you today? I hope you are ready for another day of home learning.

Are you all enjoying a book at the moment? Remember that it is really important to read every day. Once you have finished a book, write a book review about it. I have attached a blank book review template to this blog. Florence has emailed me to a book review that she has completed. She also had her copy of this particular book signed by the author which is amazing!

Once again, there are a number of you who have already completed the Times Tables challenges I have set on Rock Stars. Well done to Reggie, Deacon, Emily, Joshua M, Joshua C, Saskia, Iris, Ava and Joseph!

Today’s BBC Bitesize maths lesson is all about finding the perimeter of a shape. We are all experts at this in Year 4. I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash linked to calculating the perimeter of different shapes.

The English lesson today is looking at using similes and metaphors in your writing. We looked at how to use similes in class. Do you remember when we used them to describe Mr Twit’s horrible beard and all of the disgusting food you might find in it? For anyone who needs a reminder, a simile describes something by comparing it to something else, using the words like or as.

She is as sweet as pie.

Luke was as cool as a cucumber.

A metaphor is a word or a phrase used to describe something as if it were something else. You don’t use the words like or as in a metaphor.

Jane is a walking dictionary.

John is a shining star on stage.

I have attached a small activity which asks you to sort sentences into similes and metaphors.

Did you all read the information about Monet yesterday? Have you found out some interesting facts about this artist? Your challenge this week is to look through the pictures I have attached to this blog and use them as inspiration for your own piece of artwork. When you are looking at the images think about the following things, just like when we describe artwork in class.





For anyone who would like a bit more guidance, I have attached an art appreciation booklet which focusses on one of Monet's paintings called The Magpie. Can you use similar colours, textures and patterns within your own artwork? Use pencils, pens, paints – anything you have at home.

Once you have completed your artwork, email a picture of it to school so that I can see it.

I am looking forward to seeing what you create!

I will talk to you again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

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