Thursday 7th May
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 7:58am
Good morning Year 4!
As some of you may know, tomorrow is VE Day. If we were in school we would be learning all about what this means and why it is celebrated. I have attached a PowerPoint and a comprehension to this blog that will tell you all about VE Day. Have a go at the VE Day comprehension to see what you have learnt. I have also attached a selection of activities linked to VE Day for you to have a look at. I know there are a lot of them but have a look through and choose the ones you would like to complete. Spend today finding out what you can about VE Day and if you complete any of the activities then remember you can email pictures to school to share what you have done.
On Friday, school is closed to everyone, as Friday is a special day when the whole of our country would have come together to celebrate this special day in our country's history. Some people are choosing to celebrate this special day at home by having small family ‘street’ parties in their gardens and others have made VE Day posters and bunting to hang in their windows. The BBC and the Royal British Legion are working together to host a sing-a-long of the song We’ll Meet Again. This website gives you all of the details along with lyrics for the song if any of you would like to take part.
BBC Bitesize’s maths lesson today is about division again. I have attached another PowerPoint which takes you through some more examples of the bus stop method step by step to this blog. There is also another activity for you to try as well as the answers to yesterday’s questions.
How are you all getting on with your story writing? I hope you have used lots of description, some fronted adverbials and some conjunctions. As you get towards the end of your story make sure to go back and edit it just like we would in class. Have you got a dictionary at home? If you do, you could use it to check any spellings you are unsure about. I am looking forward to seeing some of your stories, so when you have finished please email them to school using this email address -
The final BBC lesson today might appeal to some of you as it is a computing lesson and I know that quite a few of you really enjoy computing at school. Today’s lesson is looking at how we get computers to do what we want.
For those of you who are missing the Wednesday Word (I know I am a day late!), this weeks and last weeks can be found under the Religious Education tab on the school website.
Finally, Miss Lewis has asked me to remind you that she is posting weekly music lessons for you on the Music Service Website. Here are the details of how to access them:
Under student login use the following username and password:
Username: p849569
Password: cheese
Once you have logged in, click on the assignments box and you will be able to see the lessons that have already been posted.
I won’t be posting tomorrow, as school would be closed for the VE Day bank holiday, this means that you get to enjoy a three day weekend. Take advantage of the weather and spend some time outside if you can, it is meant to be another sunny weekend, and have fun!
I will talk to you again on Monday,
Miss Gradwell
P.S. Did anyone listen to the first chapter of Harry Potter? What did you think? Did you enjoy it?