Thursday 30th April

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 8:24am

Good morning Year 4!

Another day is here and while it has been greyer this week we can still make sure we are exercising regularly. Joe Wicks is still doing daily PE lessons and Oti Mabuse is posting dance classes on her YouTube channel. Remember to always ask an adult to help you find videos on YouTube.

I have attached the answers to yesterday’s water cycle labelling activity to this blog. How did you get on with the water cycle comprehension yesterday? Did you learn anything new about the water cycle while reading it?

Following on from the BBC Bitesize lesson yesterday about states of matter I have attached a PowerPoint which tells you all about changing states. This means turning from a solid to a liquid like when ice melts or turning from a liquid to a gas like the steam rising from a boiling kettle. Read the information then have a look at the changing states activities I have attached to this blog. I have also attached a comprehension and a subtraction activity for you. I will post the answers to both of these tomorrow.

I have given you quite a lot to think about today, but for those of you enjoying the BBC Bitesize lessons today’s Maths lesson is about mixed addition and subtraction problems and the English lesson is focussing on using inverted commas to punctuate speech. Who can remember our rules for punctuating speech?

  1. The inverted commas go around everything that is being said including punctuation.

What time is it?” asked Lucy.

  1. Use a comma to introduce direct speech in the middle of a sentence.

John gasped, “That magic trick was amazing!

  1. Each time a new person speaks, start a new line.

“I’m hungry! I want my dinner now!” complained Jack.

“Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes,” replied Mum, “I’m sure you can wait that long.”

“That’s too long! I want it now!”

More of you have completed the times tables activities on Times Tables Rock Stars which is brilliant and some of you have started to complete reports about the water cycle on Purple Mash which I am looking forward to reading.

I would like to give a special mention to Iris and Saskia who have sent in pictures of their water cycle posters which they have done at home. They have both explained the 4 main stages of the water cycle brilliantly! Remember to keep sending in your pictures and anything you are proud of.

Here is Iris’:

Here is Saskia’s:

I am so impressed by the hard work you are all doing at home. Keep it up and remember to take some time to enjoy yourselves too!

I’ll talk to you tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

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