Thursday 2nd July
Date: 1st Jul 2020 @ 3:47pm
Good Morning Year 4!
I hope you all had a good day yesterday. How lovely was it when the sun came out?
I have had emails from Ava, Deacon and Florence telling me about the work they have been doing. Ava has worked really hard on a PowerPoint all about the digestive system, it is full of amazing facts! Deacon has created a bar chart to show the number of goals scored in the Premier League and he has also completed some fantastic work about oceans. Florence has written a lovely letter to Mrs Hymers telling her all about her time learning at home. Great work everyone! Have a look at the bottom of the blog to see their work.
BBC Bitesize’s English lesson today is looking at how to use bullet points. I use bullet point in my blogs sometimes when I write lists, can you remember seeing them? For extra information about bullet points have a look at the PowerPoint I have attached to this blog. Maybe you could help write a shopping list this week using bullet points?
Maths today is looking at line graphs again in a bit more detail and using them to answer questions. These could be addition or subtraction problems. I have attached another PowerPoint that will give you some extra guidance and lots of example questions and there is also an activity for you to have a go at. Don’t forget about the Purple Mash activities.
If we were in school we would normally be doing art on a Thursday afternoon so I have attached an art lesson all about tone for you to complete. Tone means how light or dark something is. The tones artists and designers use and the contrast between them can create very different moods and visual effects. I hope you enjoy this art activity.
Keep reading, practising your times tables and exercising regularly.
Have a lovely day and I will talk to you again tomorrow.
Miss Gradwell