Thursday 2nd July
Date: 1st Jul 2020 @ 10:54am
Hello again, you lot!
How are you? I hope you're well and keeping busy. At school, we have been trying to get outside when we can (due to the poor weather, we haven't been out much!) and we have been doing lots of work in the home school booklets that I posted on Monday's blog. We have also been learning more about Mimi Revencu.
Today, why not research into one of the natural artists I mentioned in Monday's blog? If you've already researched one, it would be interesting to research another. They all do amazing things and are quite different to one another!
Today's BBC Bitesize activities:
Maths: Solve problems involving ratio in different contexts
English: Creating a leaflet and using semi-colons
Shout-outs today go to Ben B for not only working hard at his own home learning, but for helping his younger sister, too! Another shout out goes to Harry, who has once again been outside and created some land art. We may have a Harry Goldsworthy on our hands! Pictures can be seen at the bottom of the blog. Well done, boys.
That's it from me for now. I will check in with you all again tomorrow.
Mrs Naylor