Thursday 2nd April

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 8:06am

Good morning year 4!

I am really impressed with some of the work you have competed on Purple Mash and I have now commented on some of your work. It is lovely to read the messages that some of you are sending when you hand in your work and I am really glad that lots of you are saying how much you are enjoying the different activities that you are completing. Keep up the fantastic work!

So far, about 20 of you have completed the Purple Mash work and those of you that haven't quite finished yet have until the end of tomorrow to hand in your work. Half of you  have completed the Times Tables Rock Stars sessions I have set for you, how many more of you will complete these before the end of tomorrow? 

Iris and Saskia are catching up to Mrs Hymers on the leaderboard! To improve your time and catch Mrs Hymers you need to be completing studio sessions. Gabriel was yesterdays times tables superstar! Well done and keep up the hard work!

Only 2 more days until we break up for Easter. I won't be adding to the blog over the Easter holiday as you have all been working so hard and have earned a break. Try to complete the Purple Mash activities and finish the book you are reading so you can complete your second book review over the next 2 days.

If you do anything that you would like to share with me over Easter you can email pictures to school. I can then share it on the blog or Mrs Hymers could put it on the newsletter.

Keep up the hard work - it's almost time for a rest!

I'll talk to you again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell