Thursday 25th June

Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 7:32pm

Good Morning Year 4!

How amazing was the weather yesterday? I hope you are all staying safe in the sun if you are spending time outside. Make sure you wear a hat, apply sun cream and drink plenty of water.

Did any of you try the cricket challenge yesterday? How did you get on? If you have missed any of the challenges you can still find them on the Sports 4 Kids YouTube page. Today’s challenge is sock boccia. Who will be the best boccia player in your family? Here is the link to today’s challenge:

BBC Bitesize’s English lesson today is all about how authors create their characters. For an author to write convincingly about a character they must know everything about them, what they look like, what their personality is like, how old they are and much more! There are some nice activities linked to Matilda by Roald Dahl and then an opportunity for you to create a character of your own. If any of you do create a character I would love to see your character profile!

Your comprehension skill for today is inference. This is when you use clues in a text to decide how someone might be feeling or why something is happening. For example, a text might tell you that ‘Sam’s tummy rumbled loudly.’ What does this sentence tell you about how Sam is feeling? If his tummy is rumbling he is probably hungry! I have attached a PowerPoint and activity to help you practices this skill.

Maths today is all about using money in calculations. This could mean that you are adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing! You are all experts at using these four operations, so I have no doubt you will be brilliant at completing this lesson. I have attached a PowerPoint and activity sheet to give you some extra practise.

Finally for today, I have attached a PowerPoint and Activity sheet that will help you create a piece of All About Me artwork. I thought this might be a nice change from Maths and English and a relaxing way to spend an afternoon. You could even sit in the garden to complete it. I would love to see what you create, so once you finish your artwork why not send a picture of it to me using the school email address.

Don’t forget you have until the end of the day tomorrow to keep battling in the boys vs girls times tables challenge! Who will win?

Enjoy the lovely weather and keep working hard! I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Miss Gradwell

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