Thursday 23rd March

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 5:01pm

Good morning Year 4!

Well done to those of you completing the activities on Times Tables Rock Stars. Let’s keep going and complete all of the sessions before the end of tomorrow.

The answers to yesterday’s comprehension are:

  1. Find and copy a phrase which describes how the boy laughed.

With glee

  1. Who shouted angrily at the boy?

The villagers

  1. Why do you think that nobody came to help ‘despite the boy’s cries’?

You answer needs to mention that the villagers thought the boy was lying as he had told may lies before.

  1. Find and copy two words from the text which mean the same as ‘joke’.

Trick and hoax

The answers to the maths questions are:

  1. 13611
  2. 10735
  3. 2144
  4. 39000
  5. 12074
  6. 7800
  7. 33704
  8. 4714
  9. 7199
  10. 13641


  1. £1944
  2. £1464
  3. 41454 miles

Today is Saint George’s Day. Saint George is the patron saint of England. I have attached an information PowerPoint to this blog. Could you use this and any other information you can find out to create a fact file or information poster all about St. George, you could include pictures as well as some super writing. I would love to see what you can create when we are back in school or you could take a picture and email it to school to show me.

The BBC Bitesize lessons today look useful again. The maths lesson is looking at negative numbers. We covered this at the start of the spring term, but it would be good to recap it now. The English lesson is all about adverbs? Can you remember what an adverb is? Adverbs are used to describe verbs – they tell us how something is done. For example, the boy ran quickly. Adverbs can be used in your descriptive writing so why not have a look at the lesson and see if you can use some adverbs the next time you do a piece of writing.

Don’t forget that the science work is still on Purple Mash. Have a look at the information then create a leaflet all about sound.

Keep up the amazing work,

Miss Gradwell

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