Thursday 21st May
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:02pm
Good morning Year 4!
Did you all enjoy the beautiful weather yesterday? I hope you all managed to spend some time outside in the sunshine. Maybe you did some exercise outside?
I hope you have all found out something about rivers that you didn’t know before this week. I have attached a PowerPoint to today’s blog that explains some of terms you will have been reading about this week. I have also attached some information about some of the world’s rivers along with a reading comprehension for you to try. There are three different versions of the comprehension, choose the one that you think suits you the best.
Gabriel has emailed me this week. He has sent a fantastic story that he has written and a PowerPoint that he has made about rivers, I will attach your PowerPoint to the blog after half term for everyone to see. Well done Gabriel – you have been working hard!
Remember to keep e-mailing your work and any other activities you are doing at home to school. It is always lovely to see the hard work you are doing at home. You can also post on our blog on Purple Mash to let everyone know what you have been doing at home.
BBC Bitesize’s English lesson today is looking at how to write a formal report. Do you remember when we wrote reports about teeth and the digestive system? Can you remember what to include?
Formal reports should include:
- A title
- An introduction to the topic
- Subheadings
- Facts
- Formal language – this means no contractions!
The lesson asks you to write a report about badgers. Instead, I think you should use all of your knowledge about rivers to write a short report about them. This would also be a fantastic opportunity to use some of the things you have looked at in English this week. You need to make sure you write using formal language and you could try to use some subordinating conjunctions too!
You could write a paragraph about the journey of a river, a paragraph about a famous river and one about some of the features of a river such as a meander. What subheadings could you use to write about rivers? I have attached a report writing guide and some writing templates to help you lay out your reports if you choose to use them.
The maths lesson today is looking at comparing fractions. I think that lots of you will find this quite easy. If you would like more of a challenge look at page 8 in the booklet. It is looking at converting improper fractions to mixed fractions.
An improper fraction has a larger numerator than denominator. For example 16/5.
A mixed fraction contains a whole number and a fraction. For example 3 1/5.
I have attached an information sheet and a PowerPoint to this blog that explains how to convert between improper and mixed fractions along with an activity sheet if you would like some extra practise.
For those of you who have been enjoying listening to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, chapters five and six are now available. Chapter five will be your first glimpse into the wonderful wizarding world as Harry shops for magical school supplies. In chapter six join Harry on his journey to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express. Will Harry find platform 9 and 3/4?
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Stay safe, work hard and have some fun too!
I will talk to you again tomorrow,
Miss Gradwell