Thursday 18th June
Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 7:01pm
Good Morning Year 4!
I hope you all had a good day yesterday. Have you managed to do much exercise this week? The weather has been crazy this week, have you heard the thunderstorms?
It was lovely talking to some of you yesterday on the phone. I am so glad to hear how hard you have been working with your parents and I am really proud of how you have adapted to home learning. If I didn’t speak to you yesterday I will try and call you today, so listen for the phone ringing.
BBC Bitesize’s maths lesson today is about rounding decimals. Rounding decimals is something that we have done in class. You need to look at the digit in the tenths place. That’s the digit after the decimal point:
- if it is 5 or more, then round it up – 4.8 rounds up to 5
- if it is less than 5, then round down – 4.2 rounds down to 4
I have attached a colour by numbers activity for you to have a go at. If you struggle with rounding decimals try the 1 star activity. If you find rounding decimals OK try the 2 star activity. If you find rounding decimals quite easy or would like a challenge try the 3 star activity.
English today is looking at rhyming in poetry. We wrote a poem about Stig of the Dump using rhyming couplets, do you remember?
If you enjoyed the haiku work I posted yesterday, today I have a different type of poem for you to look at. Today’s PowerPoint is all about limericks. A limerick is a silly poem with five lines. They are often funny or nonsensical. Lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme and so do lines 3 and 4.
Here is today’s poem, a limerick that I like:
There was a young girl in a tower
Who looked just as fresh as a flower.
Her hair was like silk,
Her skin smooth as milk,
But her breath made the strongest knight cower.
Have a look at the PowerPoint that explains how to write a limerick then use the activity sheet to write one of your own.
How did you find the digestive system activities yesterday? I hope you remember learning about all of the different organs in class. Today I have attached a reading comprehension about the digestive system that will give you more information to include in your work. There are three versions of the comprehension. If you are in Monday or Tuesday’s reading group complete the 1 star comprehension, if you are in Wednesday’s reading group try the 2 star activity and if you are in Thursday or Friday’s reading group or you like a challenge try the 3 star activity. I have also attached a word search for you to have a go at.
Deacon has been busy completing work on synonyms and antonyms. He has also spent time creating posters of the mouth and digestive system and labelling the organs with their functions. Florence spent time yesterday writing a haiku about home learning. All of their amazing work can be found attached to this blog. Finally, a big well done to Ava, Reggie, Oliver, Deacon, Bronagh, Gabriel, Poppy, Kiera L, Iris and Joseph who have completed the sessions on Times Tables Rock Stars!
Keep working hard, you are all doing fantastically! I will talk to you again tomorrow.
Miss Gradwell
P.S. If you don’t want your work on the blog for everyone else to see please don’t let that put you off sending work to me. Just put a little note in your email letting me know not to post it on the blog. I do love seeing the work you are completing, so keep sending in your pictures!