Thursday 16th July

Date: 15th Jul 2020 @ 6:41pm

Good Morning Year 4!

How are you all today? The weather has been miserable this week hasn’t it! I hope it gets warmer and sunnier soon!

Today’s maths lesson continues to look at co-ordinates. Today is all about plotting co-ordinates. This means drawing co-ordinates on a grid. When you plot coordinates, you have to use the exact same rules that you follow when reading coordinates.

  1. Find the number on the x-axis. (This is the first number in the brackets)
  2. Find the number on the y-axis. (This is the second number in the brackets)
  3. Draw a small cross to mark your co-ordinate.

I have attached a Poster and some activities to help you practise this skill.

Today’s English lesson is looking at creating a comic strip. Comic strips tell entertaining stories using pictures and words. If you complete this lesson spend some time planning out your story first so that it makes sense when you draw your comic strip.

I have attached a reading comprehension to this blog for you to have a go at. It is all about the animals that you may find in your gardens. There are three versions of the comprehension, try the one you think is right for you.

The final BBC lesson today is a dance lesson. You will be learning how to create a dance motif based on the theme of 'spiralling' and explore space and travel through a sequence of movements.

If you would like to try something different I have attached a PowerPoint all about the history of animation. This was one of the last things we looked at in computing, do you remember learning about the different types of animation? We looked at hand drawn animation (Disney style animation), computer animation (Toy Story) and stop motion animation (Wallace and Gromit). Look at the PowerPoint then have a go at creating a flip book or a Thaumatrope.

Have a lovely day and I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Miss Gradwell

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